Focus Training

Are your projects flying? What is in the way?

“A phrase about projects and chaos"

Context and where when


Distictions we are brining

Questions for today to explore together :

One on one Rage session / Start with Anger

If you want to learn how to feel, start with anger. Taking back your own authentic self through conscious anger practise allows you to be present, centered and clear.

From there you can hold space for more vulnerability, sensitivity and intimacy.

Once your inner fire is burning, you can take a stand for what you care about, say yes and no, make clear decisions and set healthy boundaries.

You can make and keep promises and commit to things that are bigger than yourself like life itself.

Emotional Healing Process

The key ingredient for healing to occur is the pain (mad, sad, glad and scared) of a broken heart. In a emotional healing process I will support you to make the pain visible. As a human being you have feelings and emotions. Emotions are are incomplete feelings from the past.

An Emotional Healing Process is a non-linear space of Healing and Transformation where you can heal from a past emotion that has been stored in your body and free up space for your Adult to come alive.

These session are not about understanding it from the mind, it is about making pain (anger, sadness, fear and joy) visible and completing the information it wants to bring.

Healing is taking on a new shape in which the illness or dis-ease can no longer grip. With a new shape, you can then create and experience new results in your Life.

Who is offering the talk: