Guided Movement Journey

Below is a recording I have made for you to journey through movement into connection with yourself and your feelings.

Please note this is not a background music, it's designed for you to feel and therefore requires a safe setting, created by you.

  • make sure you will not be interrupted

  • create a space where you can make sound

  • connect to a great soundsystem or good headphones

  • If you receive value from those sessions please make a donation to enable me to make more recordings.

    Here is my account: 38 9019 0656019 00 Embodied freedom / Movement Journey

38 9019 0656019 00 Sybille Feint Embodied freedom / Movement Journey

Letting Go - a 1 hour movement meditation, utilising the modalities of Open Floor movement practise and Possibility Management.

In the busy time of the year, this class is for you to surrender to the moment. With each song waking up and gathering another body, first the physical body, then the emotional body, become aware of the mind and then bring home the energetic body. To connect with your aliveness and your being.

Thank you for a donation towards the creation if you feel moved to do so, here is the account:

38 9019 0656019 00 Embodied freedom / Movement Journey

Feel your Feelings
This session is an invitation to bring your emotional body alive by feeling your 4 feelings, Anger, Fear, Sadness and Joy.

Moving from an old Map of feeling where feelings especially anger, fear, sadness are not welcome to the possibility of a new map of feeling where feelings are neutral energy and information bringing you next steps.

Thank you for a donation towards the creation if you feel moved to do so, here is the account:

38 9019 0656019 00 Embodied freedom / Movement Journey