Women hungry for evolution, creating deeply nourishing & wild women’s spaces.

‘Radically Alive’
Evolutionary Women's Gathering

4 days of Transformation

When women truly empower each other, creatively collaborate, and dance together, then something entirely divine is possible. Experience being held in a radical space that initiates transformation. Be with women that are hungry for their own rich wildness, gathering to give each other wings for this next step of evolution. Explore the tools of Possibility Management combined with Embodied Freedom Movement as dynamite for evolution.

When: 17 - 20 October 2024

Where: Tui Events Park, Wainui Bay, Golden Bay (264 McShane Rd)

The Women’s Gathering includes:

  • Transformative experiments and distinctions from Possibility Management

  • Embodied Freedom movement practice with Sybille

  • Facilitated sharing circles

  • Conscious warrioress work

  • Yummy simple food 3 meals a day

  • 3 nights camping or cottage accommodation or a room in a house (extra charge)

  • Optional hot tub, sauna and much more.

  • Creative collaboration amongst a circle of women in Radical Responsibility


For Women that are hungry for evolution and deeply nourishing women’s spaces. Together, we create innate feminine experiences, gathering in the wild lands of Wainui in beautiful Golden Bay.


We will dance together, feel, express, share authentic feelings, food and hot tubs, take back authority, restore through yoga, nourish ourselves, and rekindle our fire.


What becomes possible when women truly empower each other, creatively collaborate, and dance at the edge of evolution together, in a land of one hundred percent responsibility?


Sybille Biedert and Julia Neumann.

Sybille is a dedicated edge-worker and movement lover, passionate about the power of group work. She weaves her skills in Possibility Management & OpenFloor movement practise into her workshops and retreats. Sybille creates transformational medicine, helping people to grow physically and emotionally within a community.

Julia empowers the Feminine, and women to go first by remembering their innate power. She is passionate about the resource of conscious anger, dancing with evolution, connecting the ancient with the new. Julia brings a broad variety of skills, amongst others as a Possibility Management coach, trainer and mediator.